ND Wins Gold!
Notre Dame wins gold at the AA Girls 2021 School Sports BC Provincial Championships!
Check out the full article here (PDF).

2021 Notre Dame Christmas Fundraiser
Archbishop Cup Nov 6, 2021
The Annual Archbishop Cup Game is November 6, 2021. Tickets are $5. Contact Mrs. Sue Cirillo at SCirillo@ndrs.org to reserve your tickets! See the poster!
October 2021 Alumni Newsletter
The October 2021 Notre Dame Alumni Newsletter is ready for you to download (pdf file).
Highlights include the Archbishop’s blessing of the new Juggler Field and reports on fundraising activities from the ND community.
Be sure to renew your ND Alumni Association membership, and let others know by forwarding this email that they need to subscribe to our mailing list on this website to keep getting the newsletter.
Note that there were several names missing from the list of people, organizations and businesses that have contributed to the ND project over the years. We will update the complete list in future newsletter editions. Thank you for your patience!
Fr. Bill Somerville RIP
Father Bill Somerville, passed away on the evening of Thursday, July 8, 2021. He was 82 years of age. Father Somerville was ordained on May 17, 1969. He served as the Pastor of Saint Paul’s in Richmond and Saint Patrick’s in Vancouver.
He also served as the Assistant Pastor at Saint Jude’s in Vancouver; Holy Rosary Cathedral in Vancouver; Saint Joseph’s in Vancouver; and Corpus Christi in Vancouver. He was Executive Director of Notre Dame High School in the 1970s and coached his final season with the Juggler’s football team in 1981.
He also served as the Archbishop’s Delegate to the Catholic Independent Schools of the Vancouver Archdiocese. Let us remember Father Somerville in our prayers, along with his family.

ND Virtual Open House
Thursday January 14, 2021, Live at 5pm. Visit www.ndrsopenhouse.com

New ND Foundation Site is Live
We’re excited to announce that the new Notre Dame Foundation site is live at www.ndalumnifoundation.com! You can now donate to the Foundation to support the school and receive a tax receipt immediately. Contact Mr. Garcea jgarcea@myndrs.com if you have any questions!
Field sponsorship opportunities
Some great progress has been made on Juggler Field! The turf is expected to be installed once the weather improves early this spring.
ND has just launched the Juggler Field and Seat Sponsorship Campaigns! Sponsor a field line, or a seat in the stand, commemorated with a plaque. All donations will receive a tax receipt. Fill in one (or both) of the linked forms to reserve yours before they are gone!
Contact @MrJGarcea at jgarcea@myndrs.com for more info!

October 2020 Newsletter
The October 2020 ND Alumni Newsletter is now available for download! Check it out here (PDF).