Alan Charlton’s 90th Birthday Event: CANCELLED
At Alan’s request, the event scheduled for March 8th 2025, marking his 90th birthday, has been cancelled. Alan has requested this for personal and private reasons and asks that you respect this request without asking for further explanations.
Thank you.
Doriana Temolo Hall – In Memoriam
It is with great sadness that we note the passing of Doriana Temolo Hall – a loyal and long-time Juggler of Notre Dame.

In her high school years, Doriana was very much a part of student life at Notre Dame, excelling in a number of areas. An Honour student, Doriana was also a talented and dedicated athlete, a vital member of the school basketball and volleyball teams. In addition to this, she was also a keen participant in the school drama program, not only enthusiastically participating in acting classes, but also, in her senior year, brilliantly undertaking the daunting role of Stage Manager in the play Our Town – a part that is challenging for its size and for its needing to be able to be a true stage presence. In light of her academic success and ability to command an audience, it was no surprise that, after graduating from Notre Dame in 1976, Doriana entered the journalism program at BCIT. Nor was it a surprise that, having completed her studies, Doriana became part of the young Global network. There, she enjoyed a truly successful and influential career, rising from Announcer to Newsroom Manager and playing a key role in the launching of the Global National programme. Until her retirement in 2016, she continued to display the same excellence and high achievement level that had become so much part of her persona.
Her marriage in 1984 to her dear partner, Michael, who also worked at Global, resulted in recent years in her being the mother of two remarkable children: Justine and Jacob, both of whom continued their mother’s ability to excel.
Doriana always remained a loyal Notre Dame Juggler. She enrolled both of her children at the school, participated in Notre Dame Alumnae Volleyball games, and enthusiastically supported Alumni activities. More recently, she—revisiting her earlier success in drama—played a main role in the Alumni production of Agatha Christie’s The Unexpected Guest. In addition to all this, Doriana, loyal to the school always, was a Director of the Notre Dame Foundation and Chairperson of the Notre Dame Alumni Association.
Throughout all this, Doriana remained a dedicated wife and mother. In quite recent years, she was thrilled to host the wedding of her son and delighted in her role of grandmother to Mario, Gemma, and Kennedy. Indeed, not surprisingly, her spirit remained strong and vibrant as, while still endeavouring to live life to the fullest, she fought a brave battle with breast cancer.
Although, sadly, she did not achieve her goal of receiving her first Social Security cheque, Doriana was able to look back on an amazing life marked by love, happiness, and success. She will, indeed, be missed by many.
At this sad time, we extend to her family our sincerest condolences and remain grateful to Doriana for all that she gave to her community.
Archbishop’s Cup November 4, 2023
Saturday November 4th Notre Dame hosts the annual Archbishop’s Cup Football Game between Notre Dame and Vancouver College.
Gates open at Noon, Kick-off is at 1:30
There will be food trucks, concession stand and Beer Garden.
Tickets sold at the Gate on Saturday are $10.00
Go Jugglers!
Homecoming – Gavin Kamoshinski
To All Our Valued Alumni
In early August, Gavin Kamoshinski a student at Notre Dame entering Grade 12, suffered a serious spinal injury while swimming in Kelowna. More details can be found by clicking on the link below. Please note the link contains sensitive content.
A GoFundMe page has been set up to support Gavin and his family. The Kamoschinski’s fully support this initiative.
This Saturday, September 16th, is our Annual Homecoming Varsity Football Game and all monies raised will go towards Gavin’s recovery.
We hope to see many of you there to support Gavin and the team.
We Are All Jugglers
Fundraising Tribute Acts at ND
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2023 | 7:00PM
Two solid tribute Acts performing the hits of Shania Twain and Joe Cocker
Tickets are reserved seating @ $45.00/ticket
Doors Open at 6:00pm, Opening Act to take stage at 7:00pm
There will be a no-host bar and refreshments available.
A must-see live event! Purchase tickets at VTIX
Please contact Sue Cirillo for more information.
October 2022 Newsletter
The October 2022 Notre Dame Alumni Newsletter is ready for you to download (PDF file).
Highlights include an article on Homecoming where #76 Luca Perizzolo was honoured and profiles on alumni achievement!
Be sure to renew your ND Alumni Association membership, and let others know that they need to subscribe to our mailing list on this website to keep getting the newsletter.
50/50 Raffle

Notre Dame has launched again an online 50/50 raffle campaign; Ignite the Fire Within. We are hoping that with this 50/50 raffle you can directly support and enhance our student’s extracurricular activities and pursuits, while at the same time giving yourself a chance to win!
We have limited the number of tickets available. Give yourself a 1:1600 chance of taking home up to $10,000 cash should all tickets be sold. Please pass and spread the word to your family and friends. Let us all help and Ignite the Fires Within all of our students here at Notre Dame.
Important dates:
Sales Deadline: Midnight, Tuesday, May 31, 2022
50/50 Draw: Wednesday, June 1, 2022 at 12:00 p.m.
Ticket packs:
Single Ticket for $20,
4-Ticket Pack for $50
10-Ticket Pack for $100.
Don’t Delay – Get your tickets today!!
Spring Has Sprung- ND Plant Fundraiser
In support of Notre Dame Regional Secondary GROWING school community and programs, we cordially invite you, our valued neighbors, friends and parents to participate in our Spring Has Sprung Plant Fundraiser!
Do not miss out on a great opportunity, perfect for Easter and Mother’s Day, or just to enjoy decorating your home!
In association with The Modern Plant Company, a local family-run business whose mission is to bring beautiful take-home ready living plants into every home, into every life.
Orders must be in by April 6, 2022. Pick up will be on April 13, 2022 in the ND Auditorium (Parker Street Side Entrance).
If you have further questions, comments or concerns, please contact our Development Coordinator, Mr. Joe Garcea, at