Update contact information
Notre Dame Regional Secondary and the Alumni Association is asking you to please take two minutes to update your information by completing the following form and either mailing, faxing or emailing the information in. Conveniently, you can go to this link (goo.gl/8nbdix) to fill in a form, and the information will automatically update our records.
5th Annual Super Bowl Bash
The 5th annual Super Bowl Bash was again a great success. Over 70 Alumni and friends attended the event and were treated to catered food from Cioffi’s, and a pro-Seattle Seahawk crowd, much to the dismay of Ralph Gabriele. Great prizes were raffled including canucks tickets, NFL jerseys and restaurant cards. Next year we hope to hold the event back in the Auditorium. In relation to this fundraiser, the annual ND football pub night will be held at the Mountain Shadow pub on Friday april 11th. Pre-sale tickets are required or a confirmation email to Coach Scott at rich_scott (at) ndrs.org.
Notre Dame Alumni Annual Trivia Night
Put together a team and come out for our annual Trivia Night!
Friday, March 7, 2014
Our Lady of Sorrows Hall
555 S. Slocan St., Vancouver
Registration at 6:00
Dinner at 6:30 pm
Games start at 7:30
Price $25.00 including pasta dinner and salad!
No host bar.
for tickets e-mail either: Lana Tesan: ltesan (at) gmail.com or Alan Charlton: acharlton (at) ndrs.org
Class of 74 planning a reunion
The class of ’74 is starting to plan a 40th reunion. The date will likely be in May 2014 but details are still being sorted out. Anyone interested in attending or helping to organize the event are encouraged to contact one of the following individuals:
Dave Boroevich
David.boroevich [at] alpha.ca
Joe Favia
jfavia [at] stylussofas.com
Alumnus Lana Tesan at Sun n Surf Travel has offered to donate $50.00 for every alumni who books this fantastic deal to southern Italy and Sicily! For more information, download the brochure here (pdf)