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Grad 1979 Reunion Weekend Sept 20-22nd

The Grads of ’79 are having a 40 year reunion weekend! For more info and to RSVP: click here 

1989 Reunion

Grads of 1989 are invited to the 30 year reunion!

  • September 21st, 2019
  • 7:00pm
  • Joey Burnaby
  • 109-1899 Rosser Ave.

RSVP by September 15th, 2019.  For tickets and more information contact:

sold[at]joetraversa.com, cristina[at]unti.ca, and pierroferronato[at]yahoo.ca

Peter Vogel Retirement

Please join us celebrating Peter Vogel’s time at Notre Dame!

Friday June 14th in the Gym and Multi-purpose Room from 6 to 10pm

Appetizers will be served, and cash bar available.

Please RSVP to sprasad [at] ndrs.org

Vogel’s Retirement Invitation

March 2019 Newsletter

The March 2019 Newsletter is now available.  We’re sorry to announce the passing of our dear friend and ND Alumni Association Chairperson Laurie Marconato.   She will be sorely missed by the ND community.  May she rest in peace.   Please download here (PDF).

Note that former Principal and Vice-Principal Sr. Katherine Nickerson passed away on March 15th, 2019 not February 15th as mentioned in the newsletter article.  She will be fondly remembered by students and staff who had the fortune to work with her at ND.

ND Field Open House

On Wednesday, April 3 Notre Dame, in conjunction with the City of Vancouver, will be hosting a community open house from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM (please see the attachment for more information) in the Alumni Gymnasium.

The main purpose of this event is to provide accurate and up to date information related to our field project.  For more information see: Community Open House Ad

Peter Vogel Physics Balsa Bridge Building Contest

Dear Alumni,

The annual Balsa Bridge Contest is being re-named after Peter Vogel, and on March 5th, 2019 we will make it official by displaying a banner and having a few guest speakers thank him for his great work.

The presentation is going to be at 7:30 pm in the school auditorium.

We encourage anyone who took part in the Bridge Building Contests in the past to join us on this very special evening.

Notre Dame Uncorked

Please join us for our newest fundraising event, an evening of fine wines, great food and excellent company!

Friday, November 16, 2018

Doors 7:00

  • Wine Tasting
  • Auction

How can you contribute?

Attend the Event!

Ticket are $50/person–contact Mrs. De Cotiis for tickets (604-255-5454, ext.2152 or ldecotiis@ndrs.org).

Contribute to the Auction

We ask each family to consider donating an auction item or making a cash donation (minimum $10). Parents can bring donated items to the school office. All items are due by November 2nd, 2018. Tax Receipts can be given for donations over $20 upon request. Below is a list of suggested auction donations.

Sponsor Our Event

Sponsorship Opportunities are available for businesses. This is a great opportunity to market your corporation or business. For information, please view our sponsorship form.

Questions? Please contact Mrs. De Cotiis 604.255.5454 (ext. 2152) ldecotiis@ndrs.org

Auction Ideas

Accommodation at hotels Art work Audio/visual equipment (ex. Stereo, computers etc.) Furniture/appliances Electronics Golf packages Hair salon gift certificate & products Home renovation services (painting/plumbing/concrete etc.) Jewelry Landscaping/plants Leisure activities (ex. River rafting, skiing) Restaurant gift certificates Spa gift certificates Sports memorabilia Tickets to a show/concert/sporting event Weekend getaway at a Whistler or other resort condo

Donation Information



Class of 1988 Reunion

The Class of 1988 is holding their 30 year reunion on Saturday Oct. 13th

7:00pm at Sopra Sotto, 1510 Commercial Drive.

Tickets are $60 per person includes food and 1 drink

Purchase tickets by Oct. 5th via eventbrite.ca

For more information contact ndgrad1988@gmail.com

Flyer: Grad1988 (pdf)

Register for Networking Breakfast by Feb. 22nd

A reminder that the registration deadline for the Alumni Networking Breakfast – open to all ND Alumni – is fast approaching!  The breakfast  is on Tuesday, Feb 27th – registration deadline is Thursday, Feb 22nd.  Get your tickets today at eventbrite.ca!  Please note that tickets will NOT be available at the door.

ND Alumni Association Newsletter February 2018


February 2018

Last update: Feb. 5, 2018

Upcoming Events

Friday, February 23rd – TRIVIA NIGHT

The ND Alumni Association presents its ever-popular Annual Trivia Night. Show what you know or just come for the fun!

  • Admission: $25.00, including pasta dinner.
  • Doors open: 6pm.
  • Dinner served 6:30 – 7:00 p.m.

Many, many door prizes as well as prizes for the most successful teams. Teams size: 8 players, but smaller groups can be merged.

For information and tickets contact contact Lana:  ltesan[at]gmail.com

Note: Cell phones are not allowed to be used during the game!


If you are a Notre Dame grad and a member of the business community, join us for the first in a series of networking brunches hosted by the Notre Dame Development Office.

The event includes a hot breakfast buffet, a short key-note address by Hootsuite’s Donna Crema (Grad ’87), and lots of time to connect with fellow alumni and business professionals. Also included is an optional tour of our new building, to be offered at the end of the event.

The first event will be held at Notre Dame Secondary School on Tuesday, February 27th at 8:30am.

Reserve your spot today by calling the ND Development Office at 604.255.5454 Ext. 248 or reserve online at https://nd-alumni_breakfast1.eventbrite.ca. Tickets are $25 each.


Class of ’68 Reunion

Plans are in the works for a 50th reunion for the class of ’68 in the fall of this year.  The organizers would like to ask for everyone’s help in contacting some of the grads.  Many of the email addresses we had on our contact lists are outdated or were incorrect.  If you are a brother, sister, cousin or friend of somebody from that class, please let them know we are looking for them.  My email address is yvsavage@hotmail.com.

Yvonne (Belisle) Savage

Notre Dame Handbell Ensembles Program Launches!

With the generous support of the ND Alumni Foundation and Parent Support Group, Notre Dame was able to purchase a four-octave set of Schulmerich Handbells this November. With over fifty students currently enrolled in the program, three handbell ensembles have been created at the school in less than three months. The ensembles have already had over a dozen performances including one with the UBC Symphonic Wind Ensemble at the Chan Centre for Performing Arts. They also have toured our elementary feeder schools with the band program for further outreach and recruitment.

The handbells are very expensive instruments, and we are so grateful that the ND Alumni Foundation and Parent Support Group chose to invest in the new program. We look forward to seeing you at one of our future concerts at the school! The instrumental music program at Notre Dame Regional Secondary consists of four wind ensembles, two jazz ensembles, and three handbell ensembles.